EMV X2 Software Reader


All In One EMV X2 Smartcard

With this Emv skimmer software reader, you will be able to write VISA/MASTERCARD onto  J2A040 40K Java base card compatible with  JCOP21 36K.

Some FAQS?
Q) What type of card I can Read and Write with this EMV Software reader?
A) Dynamic Data Authentication and Static Data Authentication. It can be any MasterCard, Maestro, Visa, Diners, Discover, JCBVisa Electron,  Amex, Union-Pay, .

Q) Where do I get the smart cards for this?
A) You will find a smart card like the J2A040 40K Java base card compatible With JCOP21 36K in our shop.

Q) Where can I find Smart cards?
A) Here in our shop

Q)  Can it work in any Country?
A) Yes It will work in any country in the world where EMV is accepted

Q) Does the EMV software have an Expiration date?
A) No

Q) What data is needed to make an ATM Transaction?
A) You will need to write Track 2.

Q) Can I use any PIN at an ATM with the Card?
A) No, only the Original PIN Code.

Q) Can I use any PIN in POS?
A) Signatures are required in POS rather than PIN.

Q) Can I see the balance and withdraw money From ATM?
A) Yes, if you have the original PIN code and a valid Track 2

Q) What I will receive?
A) You will receive the Full Version X2 EMV 2021 Software and the Instruction manual.

Q) There will be a Further Update?
A) Yes, if there is an update we will post that on our site and you can get a 50% discount if you can buy it using the same email address that you used to purchase from us, contact us first to get your discount.

Q: What hardware is supported for this?
A) The following hardware is supported:

MCR 200
ACR 38
ACR 92

We take up to a maximum of 1 hour to process this order which is after you make the payment.

If you will have any questions please Contact Us after placing your order.

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